dinsdag 25 juni 2013

Mime Player and Vampire

Pencil drawing

Inspired by Tim Burton's artwork after visiting the Tim Burton Exhibition in Paris.

'Mime Player'


zaterdag 5 januari 2013

Tree House

Pencil Drawing

Inspired by Tim Burton's artwork after visiting the Tim Burton Exhibition in Paris.

''Tree House''

donderdag 1 november 2012

Clown and Co-Worker

Pencil drawings

Inspired by Tim Burton's artwork after visiting the Tim Burton exhibition in Paris.



maandag 22 oktober 2012

Balloon Boy

Inspired by Tim Burton's artwork after visiting the Tim Burton exhibition in Paris.

''Balloon Boy''

woensdag 17 oktober 2012

Beetlejuice and scissors

Two quick drawings, inspired by Tim Burton's artwork after visiting the Tim Burton exhibition in Paris.

''Betelgeuse'' from ''Beetlejuice'' (1988)

 ''Edward Scissorhands'' from ''Edward Scissorhands'' (1990)

zaterdag 6 oktober 2012

Sweeney Todd

Pencil drawing

A quick drawing of Sweeney Todd from 'Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street' (2007)

vrijdag 5 oktober 2012

The Mad Hatter

Pencil drawing

A quick drawing of The Mad Hatter from 'Alice in Wonderland' (2010)